The department of Civil Engineering, UIU designed a balanced and reasonably complete curriculum for the undergraduate students which will help the graduates to meet the competency level defined by international standards set by different agencies: University Grant Commission of Bangladesh, Washington Accord and ABET.

Academic Calendar

The BSc in Civil Engineering is a 4-year program. Each academic year comprises two semesters: Spring Semester and Fall Semester. In every semester, the duration of the classes is fourteen (14) weeks. The length of a theory class is 60 minutes for one credit hour while the length of a laboratory class is 180 minutes for 1.5 credit hours.

Duration of semesters 

Duration of the semester is generally 20 weeks, which is organized in the following way:

Classes14 weeks
Mid Semester Examination 2 weeks
Final Examination3 weeks
Total19 weeks

Mid Semester Examination is held according to the academic calendar, normally after 7 weeks of class.

Types of Courses

A number of compulsory courses are identified as core courses, which form the nucleus of the bachelor degree program. Apart from the core courses, students will have to complete a number of courses, which are optional in nature. Hence students have some choices in selecting courses from a specified group or a number of courses. To understand the underpinning theory of the courses of Civil Engineering, a number of courses on mathematics, general education (social science, business, arts and humanities) and basic science have been felt mandatory to include in the curriculum. In addition, some courses related to Civil Engineering Practices (e.g., Project Planning and Management, Professional Ethics, Professional Practices and Communication) have been incorporated in the curriculum. The following Table shows the item wise distribution of the credit hours for the CE curriculum.

Course TypeTheoryLaboratoryProjectInternshipTotal
Basic Sciences639
General Education1111
University Required Course22
Civil Engineering Basic241236
Civil Engineering Core3910.549.5
Civil Engineering Electives8311
Civil Engineering Practices66
Final Year Design Projects66
Other Engineering2— 2

Grading and Performance Evaluation

Grading System:

The performance of a student in a given course is made through continuous evaluation that comprises quizzes/ in-course tests, class participation, attendance, homework/assignment, case study, mid-terms and semester final examinations. Letter grades and grade points are used to evaluate the performance of a student in a given course. The table below shows the grading policy.

Letter GradeGrade PointAssessment
B+3.33Very Good
B-2.67Above Average
C2.00Below Average
D+1.33Very poor

Assessment Methods:

For theoretical courses, assessment is generally made through continuous class assessment (i.e., attendance, assignments, and class tests), a mid-term examination and a final examination. The percentile distribution of marks for a theoretical course is as follows:

Assessment TypesMarks
Class Tests20%
Mid Term30%
Final Exam40%

For laboratory courses assessment is generally made through continuous class assessment (e.g., attendance, class performance, report writing, viva and presentation on project), a mid-term examination and a final examination. The percentile distribution of marks for a laboratory course is as follows:

Assessment TypesMarks
Class Performance/Viva20%
Mid Term20%
Final Exam30%

Calculation of GPA/CGPA

Grade Point Average (GPA) is the weighted average grade of a semester while Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is the weighted average of the grade points obtained in all the courses completed by a student along with last semester. For example, if a student passes/completes four courses in a semester having credits of C1, C2, C3 and C4, and his grade points in these courses are G1, G2, G3 and G4 respectively then his GPA will be calculated as follows:

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